This session about Python Regular expressions how we can work with patterns and the specific methods available in re module.
- match()
- group(), groups()
- search()
- compile()
- sub()
Regular expression sample in Python
Here is the sample for match function use.
This program illustrates the usage of match, group functions in re module
This also shows how to use re flags
import re
line = "Python Orientation course helps professionals fish best opportunities"
m = re.match( r'(.*) helps (.*?) .*', line, re.I)
if m:
print " : ",
print " : ",
print " : ",
print "Don't have match!!"
The output
>>> execfile('c:/pybin/') : Python Orientation course helps professionals fish best opportunities : Python Orientation course : professionals
Remove, Replace using re
Example for remove, replace the pattern in the given string
import re
DOB = "07-11-1973# This is DOB "
# Delete Python-style comments
num = re.sub(r'#.*$', "", DOB)
print "DOB Num : ", num
# Remove anything other than digits
x = re.sub(r'\D', "", DOB)
print "DOB without - : ", x
# Substituting other symbol in anything other than digits
FDOB = re.sub(r'\D', "/", num)
print "DOB in new format : ", FDOB
Searching Pattern
Example for Searching the pattern in a given string
""" This program illustrates is
one of the regular expression method i.e., search()"""
import re
# importing Regular Expression built-in module
text = 'This is my First Regulr Expression Program'
patterns = [ 'first', 'that‘, 'program' ]
# In the text input which patterns you have to search
for pattern in patterns:
print 'Looking for "%s" in "%s" ->' % (pattern, text),
if, text,re.I):
print 'found a match!'
# if given pattern found in the text then execute the 'if' condition
print 'no match'
# if pattern not found in the text then execute the 'else' condition
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